At the time, this album was recorded, the band's name was "Familie Silly" ("Silly Family"). One of the songs of this album became cult: "Der letzte Kunde" ("The last costumer") about the last man in a pub before closing.
In fact, "Liebeswalzer" (Waltz of Love) are the remains of a censored project called "Zwischen unbefahr'nen Gleisen" (Between unfrequented railway tracks). The readily produced album copies of "Zwischen unbefahr'nen Gleisen" became crushed due to an order of the GDR officials. The later released "Liebeswalzer" includes all songs from the defeated album excluding "Tausend Augen" (Thousand eyes), "Zwischen unbefahr'nen Gleisen", and "Nur ein Lied" (Only a song). These three tracks got new lyrics, became rearranged and renamed to "Psycho", "Berliner Frühling" (Berlin spring), and "Großer Träumer" (Big dreamer), resp.
created: | 04/07/97 | last update: | 09/03/03 | by Patricia Jung. |