Deutsche Version

I can't believe that it's already two years ago, that on 24th July, 1996, I was shocked by the message that Tamara Danz, the charismatic lead singer of the (East-)Berlin rockgroup Silly died from cancer two days before, at the age of 43. Therefore, this page is a

Tribute to Tamara Danz

[Tamara Danz (Photo)] For more than 15 years, Tamara had been Silly's lead singer. She and her group were very popular in the GDR, and still are in East Germany. They performed straight rock music with German lyrics.

Typically for former rockmusic in the GDR, one often had to read between the lines of the lyrics to unravel the criticism in between. Whereas lyrics before 1989, including their famous song "Bataillon d'Amour", in most cases were written by Werner Karma, with their 1993 album "Hurensöhne" ("Sons of Bitches"), Tamara became the author of the band's lyrics. One of my favourite songs from that album -- one to read between the lines -- is "Traumpaar", a song about German Unification.

[Das Silly-Logo] Silly's last album "Paradies" was released in spring 1996 and includes the song Instandbesetzt, which means "having occupied a house illegally in order to repair it" :-)

After Tamara's death, the remaining band decided to release a Best-Of-Edition, originally Tamara's idea, and therefore a tribute to her. Volume one and two are out now, including Tamara's last recordings, two songs called "Kinder der Nacht" ("Children of the Night") and "Nr. Sicher" ("Playing Safe").

Silly are now Ritchie Barton (keyboards, piano, programming, percussion), Uwe Hassbecker (guitars, synthesizer, programming, percussion, violin), Jäcki Reznicek (bass), and Herbert Junck (drums, percussion).

Other Publications on Silly

All pictures are taken from Silly's 1996 CD "Paradies", all photos by Jim Rakete.
created: 25/07/96 last update: 11/09/98 by Patricia Jung.